Inline Coconut Carbon Alkaline and Mineral Water Filter With 1/4″ Connections
SKU: K-1-IA-14
Categories: Alkalinity, Inline & Speciality Water Filters, Inline Mains Water Filter Systems, Inline Rainwater Filter Systems, Mains Water Undersink, Rainwater Undersink, Undersink Water Filters
Inline Carbon and Alkaline Low Flow Filter By Caware
- Suitable for use where Reverse Osmosis treatment has decreased the pH to below drinking water guidelines
- Use to increase Alkalinity of town water
- Treat acidic rainwater
- For best results max flow should not exceed 3 litres per minute
- Calcuim, Magnesium and Potassium adjust pH to 7 – 8.5 (depending on flow and pH level of water being treated)
Additional benefits of Chlorine, Taste and Odour reduction - Manufactured in compliance with NSF, FDA and EC certificates